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Garnier£1750.00EnquireLAUDERDALE James Maitland, Eighth Earl of (1804)An Inquiry into the Nature and Origin of Public Wealth, and into the Means and Causes of its Increase£975.00EnquirePRIESTLEY J.B (1947)An Inspector Calls. A Play in Three Acts£300.00EnquireSYMONS, Arthur." (1886)An Introduction to the Study of Browning£60.00EnquireSYMONS, Arthur (1886)An Introduction to the Study of Browning£60.00EnquireGREGORY Theodore E (1962)An Introduction to Tooke and Newmarch’s A History of Prices and of the State of Circulation from 1792 to 1856£50.00EnquireCONRAD Joseph (1896)An Outcast of the Islands£750.00EnquireMILL James.; MILL John Stuart. Edited with additional notes (1869)Analysis of the Phenomena of the Human Mind. A New Edition with Notes Illustrative and Critical by Alexander Bain, Andrew Findlater and George Grote. Edited with Additional Notes by John Stuart Mill£350.00EnquireCOLFER Eoin (2009)And Another Thing£30.00EnquireVOERMANS Paul (1992)And Disregards the Rest£20.00EnquireBAUDEAU Abbe Nicolas.; CONDORCET Marie-Jean-Antoine-Nicolas Caritat, Marquis de ([1775])Éclaircissements demandés à M. N**[ecker], sur ses principes économiques, & sur ses projets de législation; au nom des propriétaires fonciers & des cultivateurs françois. [bound with:] Lettres sur le commerce des grains£2500.00EnquireSCHMALZ Thedor Anton Heinrich (1826)Économie politique, ouvrage traduit de l'allemand par Henri Jouffroy Revue et annoté sur la traduction par M. Fritot£450.00EnquireERNST Max (1970)Écritures£500.00EnquireKRULL Germaine ([1930])Études de Nu£8500.00'Why make nudes? because it has always been beautiful and I liked it one summer morning'EnquireTOCQUEVILLE Alexis de (1861)Œuvres et Correspondance Inédites d'Alexis de Tocqueville. Publiées et Précédées d'une Notice par Gustave de Beaumont£250.00EnquireMARSH Edward. Translates.; TERENTIUS Publius (1871)Andria£500.00EnquireONDAATJE Michael (2000)Anil's Ghost£80.00EnquireORWELL George (1946)Animal Farm£175.00EnquireHUGHES Ted (1967)Animal Poems£165.00EnquireSYMONDS John Addington (1882)Animi Figura£35.00EnquireBAINBRIDGE Beryl (1968)Another Part of the Wood£100.00EnquireBARKER Pat (1998)Another World£70.00EnquirePEVSNER Antoine.; MASSAT René (1956)Antoine Pevsner et le Constructivisme£120.00EnquireDOLIN Anton.; HASKELL Arnold L (1934)Anton Dolin£50.00EnquireBEAUMONT Cyril W (1952)Antonio£30.00EnquireHUXLEY Aldous (1949)Ape and Essence£50.00EnquireLAVATER John Caspar.; BLAKE William (1789)Aphorisms on Man. Translated from the Original Manuscript£400.00EnquireAPOLLINAIRE Guillaume ([1924])Apollinaire£125.00EnquireUnavailableROSE William Stewart (1825)Apology addressed to the Travellers Club or Anecdotes of Monkeys£250.00EnquireKADISH Alon (1986)Apostle Arnold: The Life and Death of Arnold Toynbee, 1852-1883£30.00EnquireTHOMPSON William.; WHEELER Anna (1825)Appeal of One Half the Human Race, Women, Against the Pretensions of the Other Half, Men, to Retain them in Political, and Thence in Civil and Domestic, Slavery; in Reply to a Paragraph of Mr. Mill's Celebrated 'Article on government'£6500.00"THE FIRST DETAILED STATEMENT OF SOCIALIST FEMINISM"EnquireBRADLEY F.H (1893)Appearance and Reality. A Metaphysical Essay£350.00EnquireAPPEL Karel ((1972))Appel's Appels£45.00EnquireARAKAWA Shusako.; GINS Madeline H (1979)Arakawa: The Exhibition of Shusako Arakawa£150.00EnquireMORRIS William (1900)Architecture and History. A Paper read before the Society for the Protection of Ancient Buildings£85.00EnquireJOHNSON B.S (1973)Aren't You Rather Young to be Writing Your Memoirs?£100.00EnquireMILTON John; ERAGNY PRESS (1903)Areopagitica. A Speech of Mr. John Milton for the Liberty of Unlicens'd Printing, to the Parlament of England£25000.00PRINTED ON VELLUM, PULLED FROM THE FLAMESEnquireMAUROIS André (1923)Ariel ou la Vie de Shelley£100.00EnquireGROTE George (1872)Aristotle. Edited by Alexander Bain, LL.D., and G. Croom Robertson£250.00EnquireREED Kit (1969)Armed Camps£60.00EnquireCHURCHILL Winston S (1938)Arms and the Covenant. Speeches by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill C.H. M.P. Compiled by Randolph S. Churchill£300.00EnquireCHURCHILL Winston S (1938)Arms and the Covenant. Speeches by the Right Hon. Winston S. Churchill C.H. M.P. Compiled by Randolph S. Churchill£2000.00First edition of Churchill's speeches warning against the dangers of a re-armed Germany.EnquirePETERS, William Theodore ([1901])Arrière-Pensées: A Little Book of Merry Wisdom£240.00EnquireKOESTLER Arthur (1943)Arrival and Departure£100.00EnquireWILSON Angus (1973)As If By Magic£125.00EnquirePAOLOZZI Eduardo (1965)As Is When [exhibition catalogue]£400.00Enquire Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results4More results5More results6More results7More results8More results9More results10More results11More resultsNext