Modern Books and Manuscripts / Private Press Showing 1 to 18 of 18 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Sort by: Title Author Date Price Pagination: Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD S. DOMINIC'S PRESS. ; JOHNSTON Edward (1916)A Carol and Other Rhymes£80.00EnquireASHENDENE PRESS (1935)A Chronological list, with Prices, of the Forty Books printed at the Ashendene Press£275.00EnquireOFFICINA BODONI. ; TERENTIUS AFER (1971)A comedy of Terence called Andria translated into English by Richard Bernard with twenty-five illustrations by Albrecht Dürer£950.00EnquireGILL Eric.; CORNFORD, Frances 1886-1960. Poet (1923)Autumn Midnight£150.00EnquireNONESUCH PRESS. ; DONNE John (1932)Donne's Sermon of Valediction at his Going into Germany Preached at Lincoln's Inn April 18, 1619. Printed from the original version in the Lothian and Ashmole Manuscripts and from XXVI Sermons. Edited by E.M. Simpson£150.00EnquireHALDEMAN Joe (2008)Forever Peace: To Stop War, Poem£1250.00A poem by the author of the science fiction classic, The Forever War.EnquireASHENDENE PRESS. ; BOCCACCIO (1920)Il Decameron di Giovanni Boccaccio£9000.00EnquireBURNE-JONES Edward Coley (1887)Pan and Psyche£3500.00EnquireLawrence T.E (1942)Shaw-Ede. T.E. Lawrence's letters to H.S. Ede. 1927 - 1935£2250.00EnquireART WORKERS' GUILD (1905)Sketches made on the Lithography Night 14 April 1905£500.00EnquireBETJEMAN John as Deirdre O'Betjeman (1962)Some Immortal Hours. A Rhapsody of the Celtic Twilight Wrought in Word and Water Colour£7500.00EnquireUnavailableGOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. ; CLAY Enid (1925)Sonnets & Verses£375.00EnquireGOLDEN COCKEREL PRESS. ; CLAY Enid (1934)The Constant Mistress£325.00EnquireLABOUREUR J.E (1925)The Devil in Love. From the French of Jacques Gazotte£450.00EnquireWAUGH Evelyn (1924)The Golden Hind. A Quarterly Magazine of Art and Literature£1200.00EnquireGREGYNOG PRESS. ; VEGA Lope De (1935)The Star of Seville: A Drama in Three Acts£650.00EnquireCORVINUS PRESS. ; LAWRENCE T.E (1937 (in fact not distributed until 1938))Two Arabic Folk Tales£8750.00FIRST EDITION, ONE OF 30 NUMBERED COPIES.EnquireS. Dominic's Press. ; GILL Eric (1923)War Memorial£300.00Enquire Pagination: