Continental and Illuminations / Manuscripts and Documents Showing 1 to 5 of 5 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Sort by: Title Author Date Price Pagination: Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD PHILIP II OF SPAIN (1558)[Contemporary manuscript of a decree of pardon]: Minuta de perdon conto las clausulas a fu por la muerte de fu. Valladolid, 10 December£350.00PARDONING SO-AND-SO IN THE SIXTEENTH CENTURYEnquireECCLESIASTICAL APPOINTMENT (1600)Copy of an English 13th century document, written c£250.00EnquireRÜMKER Carl Ludwig Christian; LEE John (1844-62)CORRESPONDENCE, 1844-1862£4000.00THE FIRST GOVERNMENT ASTRONOMER IN AUSTRALIA WRITES TO THE PRESIDENT OF THE ROYAL ASTRONOMICAL SOCIETYEnquireMEDICI (1531)Letter addressed to Raffaele de' Medici and signed by Pietro Angiolo Alalio. Dated, Rome at Castelangelo, 21 January£300.00EnquirePHILIP III OF SPAIN (1606)[Sale of offices in the Spanish Empire]: Paraque de acqui en adelante se puedan renunciar en las Indias los oficios bendibles como se haze en esios Reynaos en la forma q[ue] aqui se contiene. Signed at the end by Gregorio Perez de Andrade£325.00Enquire Pagination: