Modern Books and Manuscripts Showing 301 to 350 of 3081 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Sort by: Title Author Date Price Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results4More results5More results6More results7More results8More results9More results10More results11More resultsNext Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD COMPTON D.G (1980)Ascendancies£20.00EnquireLUBBOCK J.G.; TWELVE BY EIGHT PRESS (1969)Aspects of Art & Science£500.00EnquirePIGOU Arthur Cecil (1947)Aspects of British Economic History, 1918-1925£75.00EnquireGRUBER Frederick C. Editor (1959)Aspects of Value£75.00EnquireLIVELY Penelope (1970)Astercote£200.00EnquireCHRISTIE Agatha (1965)At Bertram's Hotel£200.00EnquireMACDONALD George (1871)At the Back of the North Wind. Illustrations by Arthur Hughes£350.00EnquireNORTHCLIFFE Lord Alfred (1916)At the War£60.00EnquirePOWYS John Cowper (1954)Atlantis£250.00EnquireALLIX Susan (2024)Attitudes£2500.00An artist's book by Susan AllixEnquireLARKIN Philip (1980)Aubade£1000.00EnquireLARKIN Philip (1980)Aubade£1000.00EnquireCASTELL BROTHERS (1890])Australia [shape book]£750.00EnquireHENRI Adrian (1971)Autobiography£35.00EnquireSENDAK Maurice ([1967])Autograph Card Signed ('from Maurice + Pierre') to Julia MacRae ('For Julia') incorporating an original pen and ink illustration of Pierre by Sendak£500.00A get well soon card inscribed by Sendak and with a small pen and ink drawing. EnquireLAWRENCE T.E (1926)Autograph cheque signed ('J.H. Ross'), made out to Manning Pike for £100£2500.00Lawrence pays £100 to the printer of the Seven Pillars of Wisdom.EnquireJOHNSON, Lionel. ; BLAIKIE, Walter Biggar (1907,)Autograph Letter Signed£80.00EnquireJOHNSON, Lionel. ; TYNAN, Katharine (1917,)Autograph Letter Signed£140.00EnquireSAMBOURNE Linley (1898)Autograph Letter Signed (“Linley Sambourne”) to Sir Martin Conway (1856 – 1937), English art critic, politician, cartographer and mountaineer£295.00EnquireSTOPES, Marie 1880-1958. Pioneer of birth control (1948)Autograph Letter Signed (“Marie C. Stopes”) to Henry Simpson [banker and poet, and President of the Poets Club]£45.00EnquireUnavailableKIPLING, Rudyard 1865-1936 WriterAutograph Letter Signed (“Rudyard Kipling”) to Jack Fleming (husband of Kipling’s sister, Alice (“Trix”)) about Kipling's sister Trix, and also mentioning his son, John£1000.00EnquireKIPLING, Rudyard 1865-1936 Writer (1911)Autograph Letter Signed (“Rudyard Kipling”) to Jack Fleming [husband of Kipling’s sister Alice “Trix” Fleming] regarding Trix's mental health£1000.00EnquireLAWRENCE T.E (1929)Autograph Letter Signed as "T.E. Shaw", to A.R. Pamphrey£5000.00EnquireLAWRENCE T.E (1928)Autograph Letter Signed, as "T.E. Shaw" to Frank Doubleday£5000.00EnquireDOBSON Austin 1840-1921. Poet and essayistAutograph Letter Signed ("Austin Dobson") to "My dear Keary" [Charles Francis Keary] asking him to "underwrite [W. C.] Monkhouse, who is down for the "Savile""£100.00EnquireSAINT-SAENS, Camille 1835-1921. French Composer ([1882])Autograph letter signed ("C. Saint-Saëns") to André Wormser [French banker and romantic composer (1851-1926)]£595.00EnquireWOLSELEY, Sir Garnet 1833-1913. Field MarshalAutograph Letter Signed ("G. Wolseley") to "My dear Bailey" about his cigars of choice£295.00EnquireIRVING, Henry. Actor 1838-1905 (1893)Autograph Letter Signed ("H Irving") to an unidentified recipient£150.00EnquireMANNING, Henry Edward 1808-1892. Cardinal (1890)Autograph Letter Signed ("Henry E Card Manning") to "Lord Knutsford"£150.00EnquireNASMYTH James 1808 -1890. Engineer, Artist, Inventor (1850)Autograph Letter Signed ('James Nasmyth') to John Whitehead Esq£450.00EnquireMULLER, Friedrich Max 1823-1900. Philologist and orientalistAutograph Letter Signed ("Max Müller") to "My dear Grove" [Sir George Grove (1820-1900, writer on music)]£250.00EnquireBEERBOHM, Max 1872-1956. Author and CaricaturistAutograph Letter Signed ("Max") to "My dear Mrs Leverson" [almost certainly Ada Leverson (1862-1933)]£495.00EnquireCUNNINGHAME GRAHAM Robert Bontine (1916)Autograph Letter Signed ("R. B. Cunninghame Graham") to "E. Wrench" [probably John Evelyn Wrench, British author and founder of the Royal Overseas League and the English Speaking Union]£225.00EnquireLAWRENCE T.E (1909)Autograph Letter Signed (T.E. Lawrence), to Mrs Lane Poole£7500.00EnquireHUGHES, Thomas 1822-1896. Lawyer, Judge, Politician and AuthorAutograph Letter Signed ("Thos. Hughes") to "Dear Sir" mentioning his upcoming speech at the Great Emancipation Demonstration, which took place at Exeter Hall on 29 January 1863£175.00EnquireJOYCE James ((1922.))Autograph Letter Signed to Maurice Martin Du Gard£10000.00JOYCE, IN 1922, ON TRANSLATING DESIREEnquireHILL Octavia 1838 -1912. Housing and social reformer (1895)Autograph Letter Signed to "Mrs Seymour" containing some logistics relating to her work, appointing a man to a job, and mentioning how busy she is£100.00"I have little time for correspondence"EnquireGLADSTONE, William Ewart 1809-1898. Statesman (1866)Autograph Letter Signed ("W. E. Gladstone") to J. P. Potter, MP£425.00EnquireCHURCHILL W. S (1910)Autograph Letter Signed ('Winston S. Churchill') to 'My dear Mallet' (Charles Mallet)£3000.00Letter written while Churchill was Home Secretary thanking MalletEnquireTENNYSON, Alfred, Lord 1809-1892. PoetAutograph Letter (Third Person) requesting a paraffin oil stove be sent “as soon as possible”£500.00EnquireJOHNSON, Lionel Pigott. Wilfrid Meynell (1916,)Autograph Manuscript Signed of his Preface to the Religious Poems of Lionel Johnson£380.00EnquireDE LA MARE Walter ([late 1940s])Autograph Manuscript verse addressed to “Dear S.C.R.” [Sydney Castle Roberts]£150.00EnquireOWEN Robert (1851)Autograph note signed ("Robert Owen")£750.00EnquireWAUGH Evelyn. Writer ([1948])Autograph Postcard Signed ("E. W.") to a Mrs Brown Fullerton [addressed to her at Brodrick, Isle of Arran]£550.00EnquireWAUGH, Evelyn 1903 - 1966. Novelist (1959)Autograph Postcard Signed ("E. W.") to H. J. Heckford (of 17 Stanley Street, Colne)£600.00EnquireSTANLEY Henry Morton 1841-1904 (1892)Autograph Quotation Signed ('Henry M. Stanley')£750.00EnquireSHELDON Alice G. &; WARD Jean H (1888)Autograph Recipes£85.00EnquireBAJ Enrico (1983)Automitobiografia£70.00EnquireUnavailableGILL Eric.; CORNFORD, Frances 1886-1960. Poet (1923)Autumn Midnight£150.00EnquireDEL REY Lester (1976)Badge of Infamy£30.00Enquire Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results4More results5More results6More results7More results8More results9More results10More results11More resultsNext