Modern Books and Manuscripts Showing 201 to 250 of 3081 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Sort by: Title Author Date Price Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results4More results5More results6More results7More results8More results9More results10More results11More resultsNext Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD ELLIS Havelock (1915)Affirmations£150.00EnquireJOHNSON B.S (1964)Albert Angelo£250.00EnquireCHEVALIER Albert ((1920))Albert Chevalier's Songs£120.00EnquireCAVALCANTI Alberto.; KLAUE Wolfgang (1962)Alberto Cavalcanti£45.00Enquireanon (1842)Album Amicorum£500.00EnquireALBUMAlbum of whimsical drawings, late 19th century£450.00EnquireSITWELL Edith (1930)Alexander Pope£60.00EnquirePIGOU Arthur Cecil (1953)Alfred Marshall and Current Thought£100.00EnquirePIGOU Arthur Cecil (1953)Alfred Marshall and Current Thought£75.00EnquireHARGRAVE John (1910)All about Birdie-Bird Blue£200.00EnquireHOUSMAN Laurence (1896)All-Fellows. Seven Legends of Lower Redemption. With Insets in Verse£50.00EnquireSIMAK Clifford (1966)All Flesh is Grass£100.00EnquireMACAULEY Rose.; GEORGE Daniel (1938)All in a Maze. An Anthology£150.00EnquireLE FANU Sheridan (1866)All in the Dark£750.00EnquireO'DRISCOLL Dennis (2008)All The Living£175.00EnquireBENNETT Alan (2018)Allelujah!£200.00EnquireHUGHES Ted.; MORPURGO J.E (1979)Allen Lane. King Penguin. A Biography£75.00EnquireGREENAWAY Kate ([1924])Almanack for 1924£70.00EnquireBLAKE Peter; COCKRAM Mark (2010)Alphabets£4500.00EnquireBROOKNER Anita (1995)Altered States£150.00EnquireGROENEWEGEN Peter.; HALEVI Jospeh., Editors (1893)Altro Polo. Italian Economics: Past and Present£25.00EnquireIONESCO Eugene (1958)Amédée; The New Tenant and The Victims of Duty£450.00EnquireCHILTON-YOUNG Francis (1892)Amateur Work. Illustrated£250.00EnquirePOUND Ezra (1951)America, Roosevelt and the Causes of the Present War£40.00EnquirePLATH Sylvia. Editor ([1960])American Poetry Now. Number 2£80.00EnquireSYMONS, Arthur (1897)Amoris Victima£120.00EnquireSYMONS, Arthur (1897)Amoris Victima£96.00EnquireSYMONS, Arthur (1897)Amoris Victima£520.00EnquireMcEWAN Ian (1998)Amsterdam£175.00EnquireGREGYNOG PRESS (1928)An Account of the Convincement, Exercises, Services, and travels of that Ancient Servant of the Lord, Richard Davies, with Some Relation of Ancient Friends and the spreading of Truth in North-Wales &c£150.00EnquireOWEN Robert (1817)An Address delivered to the inhabitants of New Lanark, on the first of January, 1816, at the opening of the Institution established for The Formation of Character. By Robert Owen£650.00EnquireGREEN Joseph (1969)An Affair with Genius£30.00EnquireSYMONS, Arthur and Sir William Henry HADOWAn Album of Five Songs£40.00EnquireNICHOLSON William.; WHITTINGTON PRESS (1980)An Almanac of Twelve Sports & London Types£600.00EnquireMYRDAL Gunnar (1944. [1947])An American Dilemma. The Negro Problem and Modern Democracy. With the Assistance of Richard Sterner and Arnold Rose£850.00EnquireWHITMAN Walt.; TRAUBEL Horace. editor (1904)An American Primer, with facsimiles of the original Manuscript£150.00EnquireBAX Clifford (1953)An Anthology of the Work of Clifford Bax£50.00EnquireBLUNDEN Edmund (1930)An Anthology of War Poems£500.00EnquireEMERSON Edward Waldo (1900)An April Day. A Poem recited at Concord at the Celebration of the one hundred and twenty-fifth Anniversary of Concord Fight. April 19th, 1900£225.00EnquireBECKFORD William (1786)An Arabian Tale, From An Unpublished Manuscript: with Notes Critical and Explanatory. [Vathek]£5000.00The first publication of Vathek in any language.EnquireSPENCER Herbet (1904)An Autobiography£250.00EnquireBAINBRIDGE Beryl (1989)An Awfully Big Adventure£75.00EnquireO'NOLAN Brian as; NA GCOPALEEN Myles. pseudonym (1941)An béal boct£550.00EnquireDAVIDSON, John. WILLS, C.J (1896)An Easy-Going Fellow£600.00EnquireGODWIN William (1793)An Enquiry concerning Political Justice, and its influence on general virtue and happiness£1000.00EnquireMALTHUS Thomas Robert (1803)An Essay on the Principle of Population; or, A View of its Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness; with an Inquiry into our Prospects Respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils which it Occasions. A New Edition, Very Much Enlarged£6000.00THE 'GREAT QUARTO' IN A STRIKING CONTEMPORARY BINDINGEnquireMALTHUS Thomas Robert (1807)An Essay on the Principle of Population; or, A View of the Past and Present Effects on Human Happiness; With an Inquiry into our Prospects Respecting the Future Removal or Mitigation of the Evils which it occasions£1250.00EnquireMILL John Stuart (1865)An Examination of Sir William Hamilton's Philosophy and of the Principal Questions discussed in his writings£550.00EnquireMANTEL Hilary (1995)An Experimental Love£75.00EnquireBOYD William (1982)An Ice Cream War£100.00Enquire Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results4More results5More results6More results7More results8More results9More results10More results11More resultsNext