Modern Books and Manuscripts Showing 1 to 50 of 3079 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Sort by: Title Author Date Price Pagination: 1More results2More results3More results4More results5More results6More results7More results8More results9More results10More results11More resultsNext Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD BROOKE Rupert (1915)1914 and Other Poems£2000.001914, inscribed by Brooke's literary executor to a fellow Dymock poet. EnquireWOLSELEY, Sir Garnet 1833-1913. Field Marshal (1899)2 Autograph Letters Signed ("Wolseley", "G. Wolseley") to "My dear Colonel Surtees" [Charles Freville Surtees (1823-1906) Soldier and politician)£500.00EnquireDISCH Thomas M (1972)334£125.00EnquireGANN W.D (1949)45 Years in Wall Street. A Review of the 1937 Panic and 1942 Panic, 1946 Bull Market with New Time Rules and Percentage Rules with Charts for Determining the Trend on Stocks. [bound with, as issued:] New Stock Trend Detector. A Review of the 1929-1932 Panic and the 1932-1935 Bull Market£1500.00AN INFLUENTIAL BUT DEEPLY ECCENTRIC FINANCIAL TRADEREnquireDAVIDSON, JohnA Ballad of a Nun£40.00EnquireDOWSON, Ernest. H. Guy HARRISONA Bibliography of the Works of Ernest Dowson£40.00EnquireKING J.E. Edited by (2007)A Biographical Dictionary of Australian and New Zealand Economists£40.00EnquireO'SULLIVAN, Vincent (1896)A Book of Bargains£500.00EnquireO'SULLIVAN, Vincent (1896)A Book of Bargains£425.00EnquireBUCHAN John (1922)A Book of Escapes and Hurried Journeys£60.00EnquireMILLIGAN Spike (1968)A Book of Milliganimals£50.00EnquireSYMONS, Arthur (1905)A Book of Twenty Songs£120.00EnquireSHERWOOD John (1985)A Botanist at Bay£20.00EnquireLAWRENCE T.E (1919)A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Under the Command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby£100.00EnquireUnavailableLAWRENCE T.E (1919)A Brief Record of the Advance of the Egyptian Expeditionary Force. Under the Command of General Sir Edmund H.H. Allenby£750.00EnquireUnavailableGREENE Graham (1961)A Burnt-Out Case£100.00EnquireUnavailableS. DOMINIC'S PRESS. ; JOHNSTON Edward (1916)A Carol and Other Rhymes£80.00EnquireRICKETTS Charles.; VALE PRESS ([1902])A Catalogue of Mr. Shannon's Lithographs£350.00EnquireJOHNSON, Lionel. ; TYNAN, Katharine (1907),)A Catholic Poet£875.00EnquireHOUSMAN A.E (1959)A Centennial Memento. Excerpts from a Shropshire Lad & Fragment of a Greek Tragedy£125.00EnquireUnavailableJAMES P.D (1997)A Certain Justice£100.00EnquireTHORNDIKE Sybil.; LAVER James (1972)A Chaplet of Verses for Veronica£60.00EnquirePUTTEMANS Pierre ([c. 1959])A Chaque Seconde£150.00EnquireADAMS, Francis William Lauderdale (1894)A Child of the Age£350.00EnquireSTEVENSON Robert Louis (1885)A Child's Garden of Verses£2000.00EnquireSIMAK Clifford (1973)A Choice of Gods£50.00EnquireSENDAK Maurice (c. 1995])A Christmas Mystery£150.00EnquireASHENDENE PRESS (1935)A Chronological list, with Prices, of the Forty Books printed at the Ashendene Press£275.00EnquireASHENDENE PRESS (1935)A Chronological list, with Prices, of the Forty Books printed at the Ashendene Press£300.00EnquireUnavailableASHENDENE PRESS (1935)A Chronological list, with Prices, of the Forty Books printed at the Ashendene Press£120.00EnquireJOHANSEN Leif (1967)A Classical Model of Economic Growth£75.00EnquireBROOKNER Anita (1991)A Closed Eye£125.00EnquireNICHOLSON Ben (1960-1975)A collection of eight publications, all but one exhibition catalogues, all but one inscribed to Geoffrey and Jane Grigson£1000.00EnquireUnavailableWILDE, Oscar ([1928])A Collection of Original Manuscript Letters & Books of Oscar Wilde£290.00EnquireDOWSON, Ernest. ; MOORE, Arthur (1893)A Comedy of Masks£1760.00EnquireDOWSON, Ernest (1893)A Comedy of Masks£80.00EnquireDOWSON, Ernest. ; MOORE, Arthur (1894)A Comedy of Masks£160.00EnquireDOWSON, Ernest (1896)A Comedy of Masks£160.00EnquireOFFICINA BODONI. ; TERENTIUS AFER (1971)A comedy of Terence called Andria translated into English by Richard Bernard with twenty-five illustrations by Albrecht Dürer£950.00EnquireWITTGENSTEIN Ludwig.; BLACK Max (1964)A Companion to Wittgenstein's Tractatus£125.00EnquireNASH John Forbes, Jr.; MAYBERRY John.; SHUBIK Martin (1953)A Comparison of Treatments of a Duopoly Situation£1500.00NASH ON COURNOTEnquireHICKS John Richard (1950)A Contribution to the Theory of the Trade Cycle£175.00EnquireMOORCOCK Michael (1993)A Cornelius Calendar£50.00EnquireRUSSELL Bertrand (1937)A Critical Exposition of the Philosophy of Leibniz. With an Appendix of Leading Passages£750.00EnquireJOAD C.E.M (1950)A Critique of Logical Positivism£100.00EnquireMILL. ; LAINE Michael., Editor (1991)A Cultivated Mind. Essays on J.S. Mill presented to John M Robson£75.00EnquireGREENAWAY, Kate; FOSTER, Myles B ([1881])A Day in a Child's Life£300.00EnquirePLATH Sylvia (1981)A Day in June£250.00A short story by Sylvia Plath, written by her in 1952.EnquireCANNING Victor (1961)A Delivery of Furies£40.00EnquireKIRWAN Joseph (1831)A descriptive and historical account of the Liverpool and Manchester railway£550.00Enquire Pagination: 1More results2More results3More results4More results5More results6More results7More results8More results9More results10More results11More resultsNext