Philosophy, Economics & Social Sciences / Social Sciences Showing 51 to 86 of 86 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Sort by: Title Author Date Price Pagination: Previous1More results2More results Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD BONAR James (1893)Philosophy and Political Economy in Some of their Historical Relations£300.00EnquireSIDGWICK Henry (1902)Philosophy: Its Scope and Relations. An Introductory Course of Lectures£125.00EnquireBAUDRILLARD Jean (1972)Pour une critique de l'économie politique du signe£500.00EnquireMILL John Stuart (1848)Principles of Political Economy with some of their Application to Social Philosophy£8750.00THE UNDISPUTED BIBLE OF ECONOMIC DOCTRINE - UNRESTORED IN THE ORIGINAL CLOTHEnquireJEVONS Williams Stanley (1874)Principles of Science: A Treatise on Logic and Scientific Method£750.00ONE OF THE FORERUNNERS OF TWENTIETH-CENTURY COMPUTERSEnquireBOURDIEU Pierre (1994)Raisons pratiques. Sur la théorie de l'action£500.00EnquireMARCUSE Herbert (1941)Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory£400.00EnquireVINER Jacob (1978)Religious Thought and Economic Society: Four Chapters of an Unfinished Work£250.00EnquireARROW Kenneth J (1951)Social Choice and Individual Values£1500.00ARROW'S BRILLIANT DOCTORAL THESISEnquireWIESER Friedrich von ([1927])Social Economics£350.00EnquireSOMBART Werner (1909)Socialism and the Social Movement. Translated from the Sixth (Enlarged) German Edition with Introduction and Notes by M. Epstein£50.00EnquireRITCHIE David G (1902)Studies in Political and Social Ethics£125.00EnquirePROUDHON Pierre-Joseph (1846)Système des Contradictions Économiques, ou Philosophie de la Misère£2250.00EnquireSCRUTON Roger (1994)The Classical Vernacular: Architectural Principles in an Age of Nihilism£75.00EnquireBELL Daniel (1974)The Coming of Post-Industrial Society. A Venture in Social Forecasting£250.00EnquireHART H.L.A (1961)The Concept of Law£250.00EnquireKIRK Russell (1954)The Conservative Mind£500.00EnquireHAYEK Friedrich August von (1960)The Constitution of Liberty£2500.00EnquireSIDGWICK Henry (1891)The Elements of Politics£300.00EnquireFUKUYAMA Francis (1992)The End of History and the Last Man£250.00EnquireECCLES John C (1979)The Human Mystery. The Gifford Lectures University of Edinburgh 1977-1978£50.00EnquirePOLANYI Michael (1951)The Logic of Liberty. Reflections and Rejoinders£200.00EnquireBEVERIDGE Lord William. (1960)The London School of Economics and its Problems 1919-1937£75.00EnquireOWEN Robert.; MACNAB Henry Grey (1819)The New Views of Mr. Owen of Lanark Impartially Examined£2750.00A PROTO-SOCIALIST COMMUNITY IN SCOTLANDEnquireROBINSON Joan (1952)The Rate of Interest and Other Essays£100.00EnquireHAYEK Friedrich August von (1944)The Road to Serfdom£6000.00HAYEK'S CLASSIC POLEMIC AGAINST CENTRALIZATION AND COLLECTIVISMEnquirePOPPER Karl R.; ECCLES John C (1977)The Self and its Brain: An Argument for Interactionism£750.00WITH AN AUTOGRAPH SLIP SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR EnquireHAYEK Friedrich August von (1952)The Sensory Order. An Inquiry into the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology£800.00EnquireJAMES William (1902)The Varieties of Religious Experience. A Study in Human Nature. Being the Gifford Lectures on Natural Religion Delivered at Edinburgh in 1901-1902£2000.00ONE OF THE MOST INFLUENTIAL STUDIES OF RELIGIOUS PHENOMENAEnquireMISES Ludwig von (1958)Theory and History£450.00EnquireMISES Ludwig von (1957)Theory and History. An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution£1500.00“A SWEEPING EPISTEMOLOGICAL VINDICATION OF THE CASE FOR LIBERTY AND CAPITALISM”EnquireFOURIER Charles (1822 &1823)Traité de l'association domestique-agricole£2500.00SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR AND BOUND WITH THE SCARCE SUPPLEMENT.EnquireYOUNG Arthur (1794)Travels during the years 1787, 1788, & 1789; undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the cultivation, wealth, resources, and national prosperity of the kingdom of France£750.00EnquireDELEUZE Gilles (1972)Un Nouvel Archiviste£1250.00'A new archivist has been appointed. But has anyone actually appointed him?'EnquirePOPPER Karl R (1980)Unended Quest. An Intellectual Autobiography£4500.00INSCRIBED TWICE BY THE AUTHOR TO HIS PERSONAL SECRETARYEnquireGUNTON George (1888)Wealth and Progress. A Critical Examination of the Wages Question and Its Economic relation to Social Reform£350.00Enquire Pagination: Previous1More results2More results