Philosophy, Economics & Social Sciences / Politics Showing 101 to 123 of 123 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Sort by: Title Author Date Price Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD KEYNES John Maynard (1920)The Economic Consequences of the Peace£200.00EnquireSIDGWICK Henry (1891)The Elements of Politics£300.00EnquireFUKUYAMA Francis (1992)The End of History and the Last Man£250.00EnquireMILL. ; ROBSON John M (1968)The Improvement of Mankind. The Social and Political Thought of John Stuart Mill£50.00EnquireBLACKWELL Dr. Elizabeth (1858)The Laws of Life, with special reference to the Physical Education of Girls£3250.00TO AMERICAN WOMENEnquirePOLANYI Michael (1951)The Logic of Liberty. Reflections and Rejoinders£200.00EnquireHOLSINGER Frederic E (1929)The Mystery of the Trade Depression. An Analysis of the Collapse of Production and Employment under the Capitalist System in the Industrial Countries of Europe with the Outline of a Plan for the Economic Re-organization of Human Society upon the Basis of Individual Liberty, Personal Property and Private Enterprise£50.00EnquireOWEN Robert.; MACNAB Henry Grey (1819)The New Views of Mr. Owen of Lanark Impartially Examined£2750.00A PROTO-SOCIALIST COMMUNITY IN SCOTLANDEnquireWOODHULL Victoria C (1871)The Origin, Tendencies and Principles of Government: Or a Review of the Rise and Fall of Nations from Early Historic Time to the Present;£4000.00AMERICA'S FIRST FEMALE PRESIDENTIAL CANDIDATEEnquireENGELS Friedrich (1927)The Peasant War in Germany£125.00EnquireMARX Karl.; BORCHARDT Julian (1921)The People's Marx. Abridged Popular Edition of the Three Volumes of Capital£250.00EnquireHAYEK Friedrich August von (1944)The Road to Serfdom£6000.00HAYEK'S CLASSIC POLEMIC AGAINST CENTRALIZATION AND COLLECTIVISMEnquireHAYEK Friedrich August von (1952)The Sensory Order. An Inquiry into the Foundations of Theoretical Psychology£800.00EnquireMISES Ludwig von (1958)Theory and History£450.00EnquireMISES Ludwig von (1957)Theory and History. An Interpretation of Social and Economic Evolution£1500.00“A SWEEPING EPISTEMOLOGICAL VINDICATION OF THE CASE FOR LIBERTY AND CAPITALISM”EnquireLENSCH Paul (1918)Three Years of World Revolution£250.00EnquireFOURIER Charles (1822 &1823)Traité de l'association domestique-agricole£2500.00SIGNED BY THE AUTHOR AND BOUND WITH THE SCARCE SUPPLEMENT.EnquireYOUNG Arthur (1794)Travels during the years 1787, 1788, & 1789; undertaken more particularly with a view of ascertaining the cultivation, wealth, resources, and national prosperity of the kingdom of France£750.00EnquireDELEUZE Gilles (1972)Un Nouvel Archiviste£1250.00'A new archivist has been appointed. But has anyone actually appointed him?'EnquireBEVERIDGE William H (1909)Unemployment. A Problem of Industry£85.00EnquirePOPPER Karl R (1980)Unended Quest. An Intellectual Autobiography£4500.00INSCRIBED TWICE BY THE AUTHOR TO HIS PERSONAL SECRETARYEnquireMILL John Stuart (1866)Utilitarismo. Prima versione italiana fatta sulla seconda edizione inglese dall'Avvocato E. Debenedetti£1250.00EnquireLENIN. ULYANOV Vladimir Ilyich (1901 - 1902)Zaria: sotsial'-demokraticheskii nauchno-politicheskii zhurnal. Nos. 1, 2-3 & 4 [all published]£3000.00CONTAINING THE FIRST APPEARANCE IN PRINT OF THE PSEUDONYM 'LENIN'Enquire Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results