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Malloch£700.00A CLASSIC OF THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL, ONE OF WIESER’S MOST IMPORTANT EARLY WORKS.EnquireDICE Charles Amos (1929)New Levels in the Stock Market£750.00EnquireHAYEK Friedrich August von (1978)New Studies in Philosophy, Politics, Economics and the History of Ideas£275.00EnquireKALDOR Nicholas.; NELL Edward J.; SEMMIER Willi. Editors (1991)Nicholas Kaldor and Mainstream Economics: Confrontation or Convergence?£150.00EnquireWITTGENSTEIN Ludwig (1961)Notebooks 1914-1916£250.00WITTGENSTEIN'S EARLIEST SURVIVING WRITINGSEnquireMARX Karl (1912)O Capital. Resumido e acompanhado de um Estudo sobre o socialismo scientifico por Gabriele Deville£3750.00A BIZARRE OCCURRENCE: TWO PORTUGUESE TRANSLATIONS PUBLISHED IN THE SAME YEAREnquireLOCKE John (1710)Oeuvres diverses£250.00EnquirePOPPER Karl R (1966)Of Clouds and Clocks. An Approach to the Problem of Rationality and the Freedom of Man. The Arthur Holly Compton Memorial Lecture Presented at Washington University, April 21, 1965£2000.00INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOREnquireMARSHALL Alfred.; KEYNES John Maynard. Edited with an Introduction (1926)Official Papers£250.00EnquireMARSHALL Alfred.; GROENEWEGEN Peter. Edited by (1998)Official Papers of Alfred Marshall. A Supplement£50.00EnquireTHORNTON William Thomas (1873)Old-Fashioned Ethics and Common-Sense Metaphysics, with Some of their Applications£300.00EnquireASGILL John (1998)On Land Banks (1696) and Charity Schools (1731)£25.00EnquireCASSEL Gustav (1935)On Quantitative Thinking in Economics£75.00EnquireROBINSON Joan (1953)On Re-Reading Marx£75.00"Marxism is the opium of the Marxists."EnquireMORGENSTERN Oskar (1963)On the Accuracy of Economic Observations£750.00EnquireMARSHALL Alfred (1990)On the Method and History of Economics. 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Editor (1981)Perspectives on the Philosophy of Wittgenstein£75.00EnquireAYER A.J (1954)Philosophical Essays£125.00EnquireNOZICK Robert (1981)Philosophical Explanations£1250.00NOZICK’S MOST THOROUGHLY PHILOSOPHICAL WORK, INSCRIBED BY THE AUTHOREnquireWITTGENSTEIN Ludwig (1974)Philosophical Grammar£250.00EnquireAUSTIN J.L (1961)Philosophical Papers£150.00EnquireWITTGENSTEIN Ludwig (1975)Philosophical Remarks£250.00An important work marking Wittgenstein’s departure from his philosophy as set out in Tractatus.EnquireTAYLOR A.E (1934)Philosophical Studies£175.00EnquireMOORE G.E (1922)Philosophical Studies£450.00EnquireWITTGENSTEIN Ludwig (1964)Philosophische Bemerkungen. Aus dem Nachlaß herausgegeben von Rush Rhees£100.00EnquireBONAR James (1893)Philosophy and Political Economy in Some of their Historical Relations£300.00EnquireSIDGWICK Henry (1902)Philosophy: Its Scope and Relations. 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