Philosophy, Economics & Social Sciences / Philosophy Showing 151 to 200 of 229 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Sort by: Title Author Date Price Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results4More results5More resultsNext Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD MOORE George Edward (1939)Proof of an External World£275.00EnquireMILL. ; WILSON Fred (1990)Psychological Analysis and the Philosophy of John Stuart Mill£35.00EnquireWARD James (1920)Psychological Principles£75.00EnquireJEVONS William Stanley (1890)Pure Logic and Other Minor Works£250.00EnquireKIERKEGAARD Søren (1937)Purify Your Hearts! A 'Discourse for a Special Occasion' the first of three 'Edifying Discourses in a Different Vein' published in 1847 at Copenhagen£75.00EnquireBOURDIEU Pierre (1994)Raisons pratiques. Sur la théorie de l'action£500.00EnquireSARTRE Jean-Paul (1946)Réflexions sur la Question Juive£750.00EnquireSCHLICK Moritz (1917)Raum und Zeit in der gegenwärtigen Physik. Zur Einführung in das Verständnis der allgemeinen Relativitätstheorie£75.00EnquireMARCUSE Herbert (1941)Reason and Revolution: Hegel and the Rise of Social Theory£400.00EnquireWITTGENSTEIN Ludwig (1956)Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics£850.00WITTGENSTEIN’S MOST EXTENSIVE WORK ON THE PHILOSOPHY OF MATHEMATICS.EnquireWITTGENSTEIN Ludwig (1956)Remarks on the Foundations of Mathematics£1200.00EnquireWITTGENSTEIN Ludwig (1980)Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology; Bemerkungen über die Philosophie der Psychologie£350.00EnquireWITTGENSTEIN Ludwig (1980)Remarks on the Philosophy of Psychology; Bemerkungen über die Philosophie der Psychologie£350.00EnquireCAMUS Albert (1961)Resistance, Rebellion and Death£150.00EnquireSNOW C.P (1961)Science and Government£75.00EnquireBRAITHWAITE R. B (1953)Scientific Explanation. A Study of the Function of Theory, Probability and Law in Science. Based upon the Tarner Lectures, 1946£200.00EnquireOWEN RobertSix Lectures on Charity, delivered at The Institution of New Lanark, upon the thirteenth chapter of the first epistle to the Corinthians£750.00ON THE ROLE OF CHARITY IN OWEN’S “NEW MORAL WORLD”.EnquireROYCE Josiah (1912)Sources of Religious Insight£100.00EnquireLANGER Susane K. Edited by (1951)Structure, Method and Meaning: Essays in Honor of Henry M. Sheffer£175.00EnquireRITCHIE David G (1902)Studies in Political and Social Ethics£125.00EnquireMCTAGGART John McTaggart Ellis (1896)Studies in the Hegelian Dialectic£125.00EnquireWHITEHEAD Alfred North (1927)Symbolism. Its Meaning and Effect£250.00EnquirePROUDHON Pierre-Joseph (1846)Système des Contradictions Économiques, ou Philosophie de la Misère£2250.00EnquireSMITH Adam (1868)Teoriia nravstvennykh chuvstv. S pis'mami M. Kondorse k Kabanisu o simpatii. Perevel P. A. Bibikov. [The Theory of Moral Sentiments, With the letters of M. Condorcet to Cabanis on sympathy. Translated by P. A. Bibikov.]£4500.00FIRST RUSSIAN TRANSLATION OF THE THEORY OF MORAL SENTIMENTSEnquireRUSSELL Bertrand (1967, 1968, 1969)The Autobiography of Bertrand Russell. 1872-1914; 1914-1944; 1944-1967£125.00EnquireSCRUTON Roger (1994)The Classical Vernacular: Architectural Principles in an Age of Nihilism£75.00EnquireAYER Alfred J (1963)The Concept of a Person and Other Essays£250.00EnquireHART H.L.A (1961)The Concept of Law£250.00EnquireROYCE Josiah (1900)The Conception of Immortality£75.00EnquireKIRK Russell (1954)The Conservative Mind£500.00EnquireHAYEK Friedrich August von (1960)The Constitution of Liberty£2500.00EnquirePLATO (1793)The Cratylus, Phaedo, Parmenides and Timaeys of Plato. Translated from the Greek by Thomas Taylor. With Notes on the Cratylus, and an Explanatory Introduction to Each Dialogue£1250.00EnquireCAIRD Edward (1889)The Critical Philosophy of Immanuel Kant£250.00EnquireMANDER W.J.; SELL Alan., Editors (2002)The Dictionary of Nineteenth-Century British Philosophers£350.00EnquireUnavailableSIDGWICK Henry (1891)The Elements of Politics£300.00EnquireFUKUYAMA Francis (1992)The End of History and the Last Man£250.00EnquireKENNY Anthony (1987)The Heritage of Wisdom: Essays in the History of Philosophy£50.00EnquireROYCE Josiah (1916)The Hope of the Great Community£60.00EnquireECCLES John C (1979)The Human Mystery. The Gifford Lectures University of Edinburgh 1977-1978£50.00EnquireMILL. ; ROBSON John M (1968)The Improvement of Mankind. The Social and Political Thought of John Stuart Mill£50.00EnquireKENNY Anthony (1985)The Ivory Tower: Essays in Philosophy and Public Policy£45.00EnquireARENDT Hannah (1978)The Life of the Mind. Volume One: Thinking; Volume Two: Willing£275.00EnquirePOLANYI Michael (1951)The Logic of Liberty. Reflections and Rejoinders£200.00EnquireCARNAP Rudolf (1967)The Logical Structure of the World and Pseudoproblems in Philosophy£250.00EnquireBOSANQUET Bernard (1921)The Meeting of Extremes in Contemporary Philosophy£75.00EnquireSIMON Sir Francis Eugene (1951)The Neglect of Science. Essays Addressed to Laymen£50.00EnquireOWEN Robert.; MACNAB Henry Grey (1819)The New Views of Mr. Owen of Lanark Impartially Examined£2750.00A PROTO-SOCIALIST COMMUNITY IN SCOTLANDEnquireMOORE G.E (1942)The Philosophy of G.E. Moore. Edited by Paul Arthur Schilpp£875.00EnquireGROSSMAN Mordecai (1926)The Philosophy of Helvetius with Special Emphasis on the Educational Implications of Sensationalism£150.00EnquireKIERKEGAARD Søren (1940)The Present Age and Two Minor Ethico-Religious Treatises£275.00Enquire Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results4More results5More resultsNext