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A Study in Anglo-American Relations£50.00EnquireMILL. ; CAPALDI Nicholas (2004)John Stuart Mill: A Biography£45.00EnquireMILL. ; CARLISLE Janice (1991)John Stuart Mill and the Writing of Character£35.00EnquireMILL John Stuart.; FOX BOURNE H.R (1990)John Stuart Mill: Notices of His Life and Works. Together with Two Papers Written by Him on the Land Question£15.00EnquireMILL. ; BORCHARD Ruth (1957)John Stuart Mill. The Man£40.00EnquireWHITAKER John K (1975)John Stuart Mill’s Methodology£35.00EnquireHOLLANDER Samuel (1984)J.S. Mill on "Derived Demand" and the Wage-Fund Theory Recantation£25.00EnquireMILL. ; KINZER Bruce L (2007)J.S. Mill Revisited. Biographical and Political Explorations£35.00EnquireMARX Karl (1872)Kapital. Kritika politicheskoi ekonomii£15000.00THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF DAS KAPITAL TO APPEAR IN ANY LANGUAGEEnquireMARX Karl (1872)Kapital. Kritika politicheskoi ekonomii£17500.00THE FIRST TRANSLATION OF DAS KAPITAL INTO ANY LANGUAGE, BOUND WITH THE SCARCE ORIGINAL PRINTED WRAPPERSEnquireMARX Karl (1896)Kritika Niekotorykh” polozhenii politicheskoi ekonomii. (Zur Kritik der Poltischen Oekonomie.)£3500.00THE "GERM" OF DAS KAPITAL IN RUSSIAN TRANSLATIONEnquireMILL John Stuart (1865)La Liberta di John Stuart Mill. Traduzione fatta sull'ultima edizione Inglese Dall'Avv. G. Marsiaj£1500.00EnquireSTIGLER George J (1946)Labor Productivity and Size of Farm: A Statistical Pitfall£100.00EnquireSOUTER Ralph W (1932)Land, Capital and Opportunity Cost£50.00EnquireMARX Karl.; PARETO Vilfredo. Introduction (1893)Le Capital. Extraits faits par M. Paul Lafargue£875.00A SURPRISING PAIRING.EnquireCONDILLAC Étienne Bonnot; Abbé de (1776)Le commerce et le gouvernement, considérés relativement l'un à l'autre£650.00EnquireFISHER Irving (1926)Le Pouvoir d'achat de la Monnaie£125.00EnquireEINZIG Paul (1968)Leads and Lags. The Main Cause of Devaluation£40.00EnquireSIDGWICK Henry (1902)Lectures on the Ethics of T.H. Green, Mr. Herbert Spencer, and James Martineau£200.00EnquireGRAY John (1848)Lectures on the Nature and Use of Money£400.00EnquireJEVONS William Stanley (1886)Letters and Journals, edited by his wife£200.00EnquireTORRENS Robert (1958)Letters on Commercial Policy. With an Introduction by Lionel Robbins£70.00EnquireSAY Jean-Baptiste (1820)Lettres a M. Malthus, sur différens sujets d'économie politique: notamment sur les causes de la stagnation générale du commerce£1000.00EnquireMISES Ludwig von (1927)Liberalismus£375.00EnquireTURGOT Anne Robert Jacques. ; STEPHENS Walker. Edited by (1895)Life and Writings of Turgot, Comptroller-General of France, 1774-1776£250.00EnquireSMITH Adam.; RAE John (1895)Life of Adam Smith£250.00EnquireREGNAULT Noel (1742)Logique en forme d'entretiens, ou l'art de trouver la vérité£120.00EnquireSAY Jean-Baptiste (1833)Mélanges et correspondance d'économie politique, ouvrage posthume de J.B. Say; publié par Charles Comte, son gendre£250.00EnquireMARX Karl.; ENGELS Friedrich (1906)Manifiesto Comunista£1250.00THE FIRST EDITION OF THE SECOND SPANISH TRANSLATION OF THE COMMUNIST MANIFESTOEnquirePARETO Vilfredo (1971)Manual of Political Economy£175.00EnquireGEROSKI P.A (1991)Market Dynamics and Entry£60.00EnquireMALONEY John (1985)Marshall, Orthodoxy & the Professionalisation of Economics£30.00EnquireMARSHALL Alfred (1991-1994)Marshall Studies Bulletin. Volumes I-IV£50.00EnquireALLEN Sir Roy George Douglas (1956)Mathematical Economics£250.00EnquireDEBREU Gérard (1983)Mathematical Economics: Twenty Papers of Gerard Debreu£250.00EnquireVERRI Pietro (1771)Meditazioni sulla Economia Politica. Prima edizione Napoletana£750.00"A COMPLETE TREATISE ON POLITICAL ECONOMY"EnquireHECKSCHER Eli F (1935)Mercantilism£1750.00EnquireMILL. ; COWLING Maurice (1963)Mill and Liberalism£35.00EnquireSIDGWICK Henry (1904)Miscellaneous Essays and Addresses£150.00EnquireJONES Ronald W (1968)Monetary and Fiscal Policy for an Economy with Fixed Exchange Rates£20.00EnquireFRIEDMAN Milton (1974)Monetary Correction: a Proposal for Escalator Clauses to Reduce the Costs of Ending Inflation£50.00EnquireHAWTREY R.G (1923)Monetary Reconstruction£100.00EnquireBOLTON A. Hamilton (1967)Money and Investment Profits£350.00EnquireBUCHANAN James M.; BRENNAN H. Geoffrey (1981)Monopoly in Money and Inflation. The Case for a Constitution to Discipline Government£50.00EnquireTRADE AND PUBLIC FINANCE (1746)National Oeconomy recommended, as the only Means of retrieving our Trade and securing Liberties;£175.00EnquireWIESER Friedrich von. (1893)Natural Value. Edited with a Preface and Analysis By William Smart. The translation by Christian A. Malloch£650.00A CLASSIC OF THE AUSTRIAN SCHOOL, ONE OF WIESER’S MOST IMPORTANT EARLY WORKS.Enquire Pagination: Previous1More results2More results3More results4More results5More results6More results7More results8More results9More resultsNext