All Departments Showing 1 to 29 of 29 results Results per page: 5 10 20 50 100 Pagination: Price: £GBP ¥JPY €EUR $AUD $USD BENNETT Alan (2018)Allelujah!£200.00EnquireBENNETT Alan (1987)Two Kafka Plays. Kafka's Dick and The Insurance Man£100.00EnquireBENNETT Alan (1978)The Old Country£60.00EnquireBENNETT Alan (2012)Hymn and Cocktail Sticks. Two Recollections£25.00EnquireBENNETT Miss M. G (1929)Calligraphic manuscript of verse taken from William Morris' Earthly Paradise£1000.00EnquireBENNETT Alan (2005)Untold Stories£100.00EnquireBENNETT Alan (1994)Writing Home£125.00EnquireBENNETT Alan (2007)The Uncommon Reader£100.00EnquireBENNETT Arnold ([1917-1918])The Pretty Lady£7500.00ORIGINAL AUTOGRAPH MANUSCRIPTEnquireBENNETT Alan (2012)Hymn and Cocktail Sticks. Two Recollections£75.00EnquireGORDON Rex. pseudonym of Stanley Bennett Hough (1967)The Paw of God£125.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778])[Untitled Chart of 'Goonong Appee', 'Banda Veira' and 'Banda.]£750.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)The Coast of India, between Callminera and Guadavery Points, comprehending the Coast of Coromandel, with part of the Coast of the Five Circars£500.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)The Road of Palleacate off the coast of Coromandell [&] The road of Tengepatnam or Fort St. David on the Coast of Coromomadel from van Keulen£360.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)The Coast of India, from Guadavery Point to the Ganges, comprehending part of the coast of the Five Circars, the Coasts of Orissa and Bengal, with the Mouth of the Ganges£360.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)A Chart of the Braces at the Entrance of the Ganges or River of Hughly with the Course of that River up to the Town of Hughly, improved from Mr. D'Anville's Chart£750.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)A Chart of the Eastern Coast of the Gulf of Bengal from Mr. D'Apres de Mannevillette£350.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)A Chart of the Nicobar Islands in the Gulf of Bengal, from Mr. d'Apres de Mannevillette£300.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1780)The Coast of India and China from the Point and River of Camboia to Canton comprehending the Coasts of Tsiompa and Cochin China, and the Coast of Tonkin, and the Coast of Koan-Ton, with the Isle of Hai-nan by Capt. John Haldane£4000.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)A Chart of Part of the Coast of Cochinchina, from Cham-Collao Island to the Kings River Mr Mr. le Floche de la Carriere . [&] Plan of Pulo Condor£300.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)Plan of the Port of Subec, in the Isle of Luconia survey'd in the Year 1766£800.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)Plan of Solsogon Harbour on the South Coast of Luconia from Murillo. [&] Chart of the Eastern Coast of Bongo Bay in the Island of Mindanao, from van Keulen£500.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)A Chart of the North-West Coast of Borneo from Balambangan to Borneo proper Survey'd in the Sloop Endeavour by James Barton£3000.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)Plan of the Port of Rhio on the Island of Bintang in the Straits of Sincapore . from A Draught published by Mr. d'Apres de Mannevillette Compared with a French Manuscript communicated by Mr. Dodwell£300.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)Several Appearances of the Agoada Fort near the Island of Goa on the Coast of Malabar [&] Several Appearances of Hogg Island on the Western Coast of Sumatra£100.00EnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1778)A New Plan of the Strait situated to the East of Java & Madura commonly called the Straits of Bali and of Pondi and Respondi£300.00EnquireBENNETT Frederick Debell (1840)Narrative of a Whaling Voyage£2500.00THE BEST BOOK ON THE SOUTH SEA FISHERYEnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John ([1776])The American Military Pocket Atlas£15000.00THE HOLSTER ATLASEnquireSAYER Robert.; BENNETT John (1779)An Hydrographical Survey of the Coast of Devonshire, from Exmouth Bar to Stoke Point, containing the River Exe, Torbay, Dartmouth, Start Bay and Bigbury Bay£500.00Enquire Pagination: